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Condo Insurance Barrie - Get A Free Quote | DG Bevan
Personal Insurance

Get A Fast & Easy Ontario Condo
Insurance Quote

Let Us Be Your Condo Insurance Experts

When you work with our team to secure the right condo insurance for your property, you can rest assured you’ll have the financial protections in place to minimize the risks and protect your assets. When it comes to condo insurance, Barrie & surrounding residents can depend on our experienced insurance brokers.

Condominium Insurance in Barrie, On

Like any type of home insurance, condo insurance safeguards your property and reduces the risks you face from a wide range of threats. These insurance policies can help you to minimize risks associated with vandalism, fire, and theft. In addition to this, you’ll need a layer of condominium liability insurance to minimize risks associated with claims against you, such as when someone falls on your property.

If you have highly valuable belongings, such as artwork, collectibles, or electronics, you should insure those valuables as well. Call us today at 800-667-9810 or click the “Get A Quote” to discuss the insurance that you need for your personal property. It’s important to know that, even though you own a condo, your condo complex does not cover the actual structure that belongs to you or any of your personal property. While condos do have insurance to cover common areas, your home and your belongings remain your responsibility. When you get a policy through us, we will ensure your property is protected.

We know your time is precious, so give us a little information AND

We will get you a quote for your Condo Insurance right away!

Complete our form below and we’ll contact you at your convenience.

Our Case Study

Who We’ve Helped

Custom Log House
A long standing commercial and personal lines client suffered a major fire loss at their home. The insured lives in rural Ontario in a beautiful personally built custom log home. As soon as we got the call of the fire one of our brokers was onsite documenting the damage and explaining to the insured exactly their coverage under the policy. Once the adjusters had the opportunity to inspect the fire and make their recommendations, the insurance company decided that a partial wall and roof will be replaced, leaving the remaining of the existing structure.