Commercial Insurance
Get Bonding Insurance
in Ontario
Bonding Insurance Quotes in Ontario
Bonding is an extremely important aspect of business today. We understand the importance and impact of your projects and their implications on your business. We work in close partnership with our clients to ensure they have all the resources necessary to win contracts and excel in their industry.
At Bevan Insurance our focus is on our clients. Price is important and impacts everyone’s bottom line. We always strive for the most market competitive rates for our clients. But as we all know professional service, reliability and a true advocate for your company is a great asset. Our goal is to be more than simply your broker but a business partner working together as your firm grows.
More common bonds that we issue are bid bonds, otherwise known as tender bonds and performance bonds, also known as construction bonds, contractor bonds or contract bonds.
A bid bond is a product that shows financial security for contract or tender bidding purposes. Many government and larger projects require bid bonds to be eligible for the tender process. A bid bond assures your client that your company is financially capable and approved for a performance bond if your bid is accepted and you are successful in winning the contract. This alone can set your firm in front of your competitors.
A performance bond is a guarantee for your client that your firm will complete the contract including the services that were outlined in the time frame given. This type of bond protects your client in the event that your firm defaults on the work agreed to and then allows them the financial resources to source the work elsewhere. Additional bonds that either can be included in a Performance Bond or separate are; Maintenance Bonds, Labour and Material Bonds, Fiduciary Bonds and License Bonds.
We have been serving Barrie, Aurora, Newmarket, Richmond Hill & areas for 40 yrs… get in touch with one of our brokers today!
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Bevan’s Commercial Team
Bonding Insurance Specialists
Our team of commercial bonding Insurance brokers protect your business! Buying bonding insurance is much more than buying a piece of paper. It is buying the trust and expertise of your insurance broker that in the event of a terrible situation your business is protected. We have prided ourselves since 1978 in educating our clients on insurance and their business – how to remove the risk from their operations. We understand your industry and your exposures.
You are the expert in your industry, let us be the expert in ours. From quoting and offering risk management, servicing your account and being your claims advocate - we make the process FAST, STRAIGHT FORWARD and EASY. Personalized, professional bonding insurance knowledge tailored to your unique needs. Coverage unique as you!
Are you a business located in Barrie? Learn more about Barrie Bonding Insurance and a request a free quote online.
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