The Best Way To Stay Safe On The Road

by | Aug 16, 2018

Are you looking for ways to increase your safety on the road? Improving your driving safety means fewer car accidents and lower car insurance rates, but how do you do it? Our insurance agents have put together a list to help you become a safer and more responsible driver.

  1. Take a Defensive Driving Course

For new drivers and drivers who have experienced one or more car accidents, taking a defensive driving course can greatly improve your road safety, help reduce your chances of getting into a car accident and potentially lower your car insurance premiums. The Canada Safety Council offers several different driver training programs for individuals and businesses that can help drivers learn defensive driving techniques that include recognizing potential hazards and taking action in order to avoid a collision.

  1. Take Advantage of Modern Car Safety Features

If you are in the market for a new car, consider purchasing a car with advanced safety features, like rearview cameras, parking assistance and collision avoidance braking systems. Own if a car with advanced safety features could earn you a discount on your car insurance premiums and help you avoid potential accidents with other vehicles and objects.

  1. Obey the Rules of the Road

Remember to pay attention to speed limits, traffic signs and the rules of the road. Not driving too fast and obeying the Canadian traffic laws makes you a responsible driver, and it improves the safety of your commute. If you need a refresher on the rules of the road, the Canadian government offers information on driving laws and rules.

  1. Be Anticipatory with Your Car Insurance Coverage

Be anticipatory with your car insurance by checking your coverage types, the maximum payouts and any deductibles. To be fully protected, you’ll want to make sure your car insurance includes liability, collision and comprehensive policies, and that the coverage limits are adequate to pay for any personal injuries and/or property damage that is the result of an auto accident. You’ll also want to make sure your deductibles are affordable.

  1. Don’t Make Sudden, Unannounced Movements While Driving

To improve your driving safety and keep other drivers around you safe, try to avoid performing sudden maneuvers, like slowing down, changing lanes and turning, unannounced. Making sudden movements can startle the other drivers around you and/or not give them enough time to react in order to keep from hitting your car.

  1. Be Mindful of the Other Drivers on the Road

While you may be driving within the speed limit, using your turn signals and obeying the other driving laws, other drivers may not be following these same protocols. By keeping an eye on the other drivers around you, you can avoid potentially hazardous situations, like a car driving too fast behind you or a driver making sudden lane changes or swerving in his or her lane.

  1. Remember Not to Drive Distracted

Distracted driving is becoming a huge problem and people start using an increasing amount of technology in their cars. To void distractions, always make sure your cell phone and other portable devices are off and keep your radio at a comfortable volume that still allows you to hear outside your vehicle.

To get the right coverage for your driving habits and vehicle and to learn more about how you can save money on your car insurance policy, give us a call at 800-667-9810. We offer unique car insurance coverage options that are as unique as your lifestyle.


Written by Ari Rush

With a career spanning over 5 years in the dynamic realm of digital marketing, I am dedicated to crafting compelling narratives and working with licensed experts in the insurance field, to ensure we deliver for you.

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