Bevan Insurance wants you and all others on Canadian roads to be safe and arrive at your destination unharmed. One of the best ways in which you can remain secure is to avoid driving while impaired by alcohol, narcotics or prescription medication.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada have estimated that between 1250 and 1500 impairment-related crash deaths occur in Canada each year. Unfortunately, impairment related crashes remain the leading criminal cause of death in Canada. MADD’s mission is to reduce the total number of fatalities, injuries and property damage crashes. We all must play a part to avoid the unnecessary and preventable collisions cause by impaired driving.
The Department of Justice has noted the decline of impaired driving crime in Canada, which is a sign of progress. However, any number of fatalities caused by impaired drivers is too many. It is worth being aware of the fact that statistically, most victims of impaired driving are typically younger than middle age while those most likely to be accused have mainly been young adult males.
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) claim that the leading road safety concern among many Canadians has been drunk driving historically, only to have recently been surpassed by the concern regarding texting and driving. While considerable progress has been made, TIRF add that a key source of concern includes repeat drunk drivers and young impaired drivers. Either way, TIRF estimates alcohol is a factor in 30-40% of road deaths.
Any form of impairment while you are driving could dramatically alter your Car Insurance coverage in the case of a claim after a collision, no matter the amount of damage caused to vehicles, drivers or passengers. Why take the risk?
We must all do our part to ensure we drive safely, working to prevent accident and injury, or worse: death.
This article includes information which is copied from official works and was not produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of any source utilized.
Read the full Department of Justice article at
You can read more from Robin Robertson, President and Ceo of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation at